Monday, July 21, 2014

"Culture, with us, ends in headache." Ralph Waldo Emerson

With me, puberty brought migraine headaches.  I mean the full-blown variety – auras, nausea, pounding pain.  They lasted about a day.  The aura would start as a small shimmering circle in the middle of my vision.  It would gradually – over fifteen minutes – enlarge and open into a horseshoe shape.  When it expanded beyond my field of vision the pain would start.  So I knew when I first saw the aura I had fifteen minutes to escape to a bed.  In high school I got an excuse from the school nurse and walked home – about a mile.  I later learned that physical exercise at that stage exacerbated the symptoms, but I couldn’t stay at my desk.  As I aged the symptoms diminished greatly.  I still get the auras, but when they disappear, there is no pain that follows.  I think calluses have formed on my brain.

They were most debilitating during grad school.  I did seek medical help but very little was known at that time and what was known didn’t help.  I tried every over-the-counter pain killer hoping to find an elixir.  Never did. 

My typical method of studying for a test was to sit at a table surrounded by books, paper and pencil, and chocolate candy.  The next day, during the test, the aura would appear and my test results would suffer.  I would get a migraine during a test so often I wondered if it was psychosomatic.  My GPA would’ve been significantly higher if I had known then what I know now.

I now know – proven by trial and error – that my migraines are precipitated by allergies.  If I eat a chocolate bar, four times out of five, I will get a migraine the next day.  Some soft cheeses, peanuts, and some red wines can also be triggers but with less certainty.  I love chocolate so am, with my callused brain shielding me from gross pain, willing from time to time to indulge.

Because of the reputation migraines have as a painful affliction, I suspect that many claims are made, by those seeking sympathy, to have migraines when, in reality, they have a hangover.  But I never doubt those who have an aura – the signature of a migraine in my mind.

2014 Lester C. Welch

1 comment:

  1. I had debilitating migraines for over 40 years. Had to carry meds 24/7. Certain foods & fragrances were the triggers. For other health reasons I stopped eating animal protein, that day was the last day I had a migraine, over 2 years ago. Going vegan will improve your life in many way as well ridding yourself of painful migraines.
